Haufinyane tjena, sehlopha sa litsebi tsa Shaanxi Academy of Social Sciences e ile ea etela Xiye bakeng sa lipatlisiso le lipatlisiso, ho fumana kutloisiso e tebileng ea lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele ea theknoloji ea metallurgic ea Xiye, tlhahiso le ts'ebetso, moralo oa 'maraka, le ho hlahloba mekhoa e mecha ea indasteri ea metallurgic. Ba boetse ba etsa lipuisano tse tebileng mabapi le nts'etsopele le ts'ebeliso ea indasteri ea metallurgic.
Nakong ea tlhahlobo, litsebi tse tsoang ho Chinese Academy of Social Sciences le sehlopha sa bona li ile tsa fumana kutloisiso e tebileng ea ts'ebetso ea R&D, melao-motheo ea tekheniki, le litlamorao tsa ts'ebeliso e sebetsang ea lihlahisoa tsa Xiye. Ba rorisitse k'hamphani ea rona haholo mme ba tiisa ho bokellana ha rona ho tebileng ho theknoloji ea boenjiniere ba metallurgic. Ka nako e ts'oanang, sehlopha sa litsebi sa Academy of Social Sciences le sona se bile le lipuisano tse tebileng le botsamaisi le mokokotlo oa tekheniki oa Xiye Group, ho fapanyetsana ka botlalo mehopolo mabapi le boqapi ba mahlale, ntlafatso ea indasteri, paballo ea matla le phokotso ea moea, le ho leka ho qhekella. ka melemo e ka bang teng, ho rarolla mathata a nts'etsopele, 'me ka kopanelo ho rala polane ea nts'etsopele ea indasteri ea metallurgic e lumellanang le leano la nts'etsopele e tala.
Xiye esale e ikemiselitse ho fana ka litharollo tsa sistimi e tala le e bohlale bakeng sa khoebo ea lefats'e ea ho qhibilihisa metallurgical, eo har'a eona ho entsoeng litšepe tse tala, ho qhibilihisa silicon, lisebelisoa tsa manganese le chromium smelting, lisebelisoa tse bohlale, phekolo ea litšila le lisebelisoa tse ling le lihlahisoa, ka lebaka la Theknoloji ea eona ea mantlha e entsoeng lipatlisiso le tse ntlafalitsoeng ka boikemelo, e entse likhatelopele tse kholo ho ntlafatseng ts'ebetso ea ho qhibilihisa tšepe, ho theola tšebeliso ea matla le ho fokotsa likhase, 'me ba hapile likhau tsa linyeoe tse ntle haholo lefapheng la metallurgy. E bontša ka botlalo boikemisetso le matla a Xiye indastering ea metallurgic ho phetoho e tala le e bohlale. Tlhompho ena ntle le pelaelo ke pabatso e ntle ka ho fetisisa bakeng sa mosebetsi o boima le boithuto bo sa feleng ba sehlopha sa Xiye.
Leeto la Shaanxi Academy of Social Sciences ha le tiise feela diphihlello tsa rona dipatlisisong le ntshetsopeleng ya thekenoloji ya metallurgical, empa hape le tiisa moya wa rona wa dipatlisiso tse tswelang pele le popontshwa. Khampani ea rona e tla arabela ka mafolofolo le ho sebelisana haufi-ufi le Academy of Social Sciences, ho arolelana lisebelisoa tse tsoetseng pele tsa theknoloji, ho sebetsa 'moho ho haha sethala sa lipatlisiso tsa theknoloji ea boenjiniere ba metallurgic, le ho khothalletsa tsoelo-pele e ncha ea theknoloji ea boenjiniere ba metallurgic.
Re tseba hantle hore litlotla tse fihletsoeng ke Xiye ha se pheletso, empa ke qalo ea leeto le lecha. Ha re shebane le bokamoso, re tla tsoela pele ho ts'ehetsa mohopolo oa nts'etsopele o khannoang ke boqapi, ho batla litekanyetso tse phahameng bakeng sa bona, 'me kamehla re ntlafatsa theknoloji le ts'ebetso ea phallo ea lisebelisoa tsa metallurgic,' me re tsoele pele ho boloka matla le ts'ireletso ea tikoloho, tlhoekiso. bokgoni, le phokotso ya ditshenyehelo. Khampani ea rona e tla lula e khomarela molao-motheo oa bohlokoa bo lekanang le boikarabelo ba sechaba le melemo ea moruo, 'me e ikemiselitse ho haha mohlala o motala le o bohlale oa ho etsa lihlahisoa indastering ea metallurgic ka mokhoa o motala, o bohlale le o tsitsitseng.
Nako ea poso: Apr-02-2024